So here goes. prepare yourself for several pics!
we've shopped, eaten, and finally got some CULTURE in.
yayuh to
through a trailer--> i spy jean
Free Red Mango!!!
the line
notice: the subway sandwich.... we were thiiiis close from yanking it out of her hands and gobbling it all up.. hunger hit while waiting....
Finally! ( green tea + gharadelli dark chocolate chips)
i give it yUUUmmy (3 U's)... bad combo..
but separately.. maybe 4!
HungryNYCinterns ... no more... sweeet victory!
A blurry
Brooke Fraser
and mini kobe beef burgers
i listen to her mySpace playlist on repeat @ work.
boootiful voice!
jean's eats.
Korean Fried Chicken! (Unidentified Flying Chicken)
disclaimer** no actual pictures of the chicken.... got distracted by the yummyness and forgot about the photos.. until......
if you look verrry closely.. you can see jane's piece!
**now : i finally remembered.... PHOTO time. ha! (bones)
happy customers :)
UFC= yUUUUmmy! (4 U's)
not too greasy, not too much crispy skin... juuust right!
spicy too!
next time teaser--> tae's bday --> chocolate fest!
nice green tea ice froyo. i think this might make up for the other pic you stole online.
anyways, looks like you're having a blast. enjoy NYC before fall!
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